Friday, June 26, 2009


DEATH : "Death" is the permanent termination of the biological functions that define a living organism. It refers to both a particular event and to the condition that results thereby. The true nature of the latter has for millennia been a central concern of the world's religious traditions and of philosophical enquiry. Religions, almost without exception, maintain faith in either some kind of afterlife or reincarnation. The effect of physical death on any possible mind or soul remains an open question.

Is Michael Jackson really dead? I mean c'mon, really, whatever he might have done or not done in the past 10 years doesn't outweigh his contribution to humanity. The past 35 years of MJ's life have given a lot to us. Everyone who was born in the late 70's and 80's has grown listening to MJ. Bad, Smooth Criminal, Moonwalker, Thriller, etc. He was the best of the best. His personal life can be looked at with a cynical eye but thats not what this is about. I pay homage to the King of Pop, personally I would think MJ is as big as Elvis, the King of Rock n Roll. They've both influcened pop-culture and a lot of artists till date. Just a thought on the side, how does Lisa Marie Presley deal with this? Her father and lover both Kings of their Genre die suddenly before their time.