OK, before I even get started on writing about Superhero movies if you're a person who doesn't watch action movies or doesn't like/follow superhero fiction, this article isn't for you. Buzz off.
Alright now that's that. So to all of you who watch action films and follow superhero comics/cartoons/story-lines etc. Why does everyone suddenly want to watch a "meaningful" movie? Whats this nonsense about the movie having too much action or that it looks like a VFX showcase... Five years ago you hypocrites were cribbing about how action movies try too hard to put in different angles and that they should stick to what they're supposed to do. Now that Superhero movies are doing just that, everyone's suddenly like "oh no, why so much destruction... its a bit over the top" NO ITS NOT. OK!!?? This isn't some nonsensical love story about fate and how you feel about looooovvvveeeee (ewww cooties). These movies are action flicks. If you want to watch something with more "acting" and "drama" please watch movies that are meant for that. That's great cinema too, but in an entirely different genre. And as VFX grows so will its uses. I mean Benjamin Button, what a brilliant movie in which VFX was use through the entire film.. and drama... but since its not action its mean to have drama and love and acting. If you expect drama in a transformers or a Superman flick, you're gonna have a bad time.
And just so that you know, the action is for all those lil kids who come to the theater to watch the bad guys get their ass beat. By giving these films bad reviews you will never let another child have the joy of watching Superman beat someone through buildings or watch Wolverine claw his way through a hundred men. Very selfish I tell you... to say you are hypocrites is to say 5 year olds are mature.
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