Tuesday, July 24, 2012



Having reached full natural growth or development or having reached a desired or final condition; No longer subject to great expansion or development.

How do we define when a person is mature? More importantly, how do we know when we are mature?

My brother who is a decade younger than me calls me in the middle of the night to find me in a meeting with a client. He doesn't say he misses me or that he wanted to play video games with me... My little brother asks me "Did you have dinner? What time are you going to be home? Drive safe." For boy who is still in his teens that's mature, pretty damn mature if you ask me. This got me thinking about how do we grade ourselves on maturity?

As a man in his mid-twenties I get to see both sides of the coin very often. Some people think I'm mature while my very loving mother who dotes on me thinks I'm very childish. But there are things that you just don't want to grow up out of. For me its playing video games, for someone else it might be day-dreaming, for others its reading adventure novels. Something that your inner child does. But does letting that inner child out mean that your not completely matured yet? Or even if you can keep that inner child bottled up, does having that hidden urge mean that you aren't matured yet?

I believe that we can never stop being subject to expansion and development. I look back a few months and find that I've already grown as a person... Its when you stop growing and developing that you need to stop your life, take a break and look at what you're doing. If need be change. Restart. Even if its from scratch. The purpose of life isn't to make money or be successful. I think its to be the best you can be. To fall while forging new ground is better than to walk straight on paved roads. Unless of course you're better off being one of the sheep.

So. Maturity doesn't exist... Unless its a monetary investment. 

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