Thursday, July 16, 2009

Promiscuity Today

PROMISCUITY : In human sexual behaviour, "Promiscuity" denotes casual sex between many partners. Behavior includes sex with partners who are not one's spouse.

Promiscuity has become the norm today. From movies to television shows to magazines. Everywhere there are articles, episodes and little titbit's about one-night stands and casual sex. A vast array of characters today follow in the footsteps of Zeus. No woman is out of reach of these characters, they go to a night club and pick out a woman and sleep with her. Not unlike Zeus in his exploits. The modern woman too follows the same agenda. A few examples would be James Bond, Joey from Friends, Barney from How I met your Mother, the articles for women in cosmopolitan that say "How to bed a guy in an hour", etc. Man is not so different today then as he was ages ago. Its just that today we don't superimpose our feelings of desire and affection for an unattainable/married person onto a mythological being. A lot of people have one night stands and there are a lot of married people having extramarital affairs, but they aren't shunned or looked down upon by society. It has taken a few thousand years but Promiscuity has become the norm today.