Thursday, July 11, 2013

Super Hero Movies

OK, before I even get started on writing about Superhero movies if you're a person who doesn't watch action movies or doesn't like/follow superhero fiction, this article isn't for you. Buzz off.

Alright now that's that. So to all of you who watch action films and follow superhero comics/cartoons/story-lines etc. Why does everyone suddenly want to watch a "meaningful" movie? Whats this nonsense about the movie having too much action or that it looks like a VFX showcase... Five years ago you hypocrites were cribbing about how action movies try too hard to put in different angles and that they should stick to what they're supposed to do. Now that Superhero movies are doing just that, everyone's suddenly like "oh no, why so much destruction... its a bit over the top" NO ITS NOT. OK!!?? This isn't some nonsensical love story about fate and how you feel about looooovvvveeeee (ewww cooties). These movies are action flicks. If you want to watch something with more "acting" and "drama" please watch movies that are meant for that. That's great cinema too, but in an entirely different genre. And as VFX grows so will its uses. I mean Benjamin Button, what a brilliant movie in which VFX was use through the entire film.. and drama... but since its not action its mean to have drama and love and acting. If you expect drama in a transformers or a Superman flick, you're gonna have a bad time.

And just so that you know, the action is for all those lil kids who come to the theater to watch the bad guys get their ass beat. By giving these films bad reviews you will never let another child have the joy of watching Superman beat someone through buildings or watch Wolverine claw his way through a hundred men. Very selfish I tell you... to say you are hypocrites is to say 5 year olds are mature.

Monday, July 8, 2013

A rambling monday

The loss of power in any situation creates frustration. The ability to make changes has left us. We are a humble people. A people who strive to survive. The entire Indian race exists within the bounds of society. Some philosophers say that it is because the aggression and battle-hunger was extinguished with the Mahabharata and Ramayana. But is it true? Have we as Indians lost our ability to stand for ourselves? The last battle we fought as a united nation was against the British... and even that we fought non-violently. Now the country is being eaten from the inside out. Not just by corrupt government officials but by the people themselves. The patriotism for India is almost non-existent. Well unless you talk about India in reference to Pakistan, then maybe you can shake this sleeping giant to twitch a little. But that's all you get, a little. There is no pride in being Indian. I mean look at the amount of people who are NRI's and are proud about it. There is absolutely no patriotic behavior left in any educated Indian. All they talk about is how clean places are abroad and how the climate is so much better. Ask an Indian about the best country in the world and they might say America or the UK or some other country but ask an American the same question and within a split second, without any hesitation the answer is USA. And I believe the same goes for any other nation... except us. Why has this happened?

I have been led to the conclusion that Indians are frustrated with the loss of power and are now living in a nation that they don't want. This isn't the India the freedom fighters foresaw and fought for. This isn't the India that Mahatma Gandhi starved for days for. This isn't the India countless people died for. Yet here we are... a powerless people that helplessly get bullied by cops and politicians. And if not the government then the thugs, the dons, the local 'mawalis'. Every Indian needs to stand up. No one is going to do your fighting for you. You have to take things into your own hands. Almost every movie in the 90's was depicting a fight against  the rich, the powerful and the wicked. And now we've moved away from even telling stories that inspire people to fight for themselves.

All the Indian society is worried about is what will the neighbors think or say. What will happen to my children if I don't earn enough money for their life. I mean you live your life earning for your children, they in turn spend their lives earning for their children. Where and when do you live for yourself? Doing what you love? And if you have a breakdown here itself, how can you think about your country when you don't have the time to think for yourself.

So I urge everyone who is stuck in an office... sitting at a desk reading this or hiding from your boss and reading this on a smartphone in a toilet because you don't get time to sit on the net in office. Go do what you dream of doing... Cook, travel, take photos, make movies, music, write a book, invent something, discover life. Don't get stuck trying to fatten your bank account. Because when you find what you love to do, money and success will always follow. And even if it doesn't, at least you're having fun doing what you're doing!