Saturday, October 11, 2014


This post's gonna have a lot of edits and additions. keep checking in.

Rant mode : ON

Men and Women should be treated the same? Yes.

Men and Women can be equally smart? Yes.

Therefore Men and Women can also be equally stupid, which means that now the stupid women (of which there are a few out there just like there are stupid men) will get raises for jobs they are unfit for or inadequately execute. While the other men and women who deserve the raise will be left hanging.

If a woman gets fired now it will a call to arms under the banner of "Gender Equality" or "Feminism". Not because the company deemed it necessary to fire the person due to whatever other reasons.


Now that's bullshit.


I can now call in sick a minimum of once a month for 2-3 days after which I can have a pissed off demeanor and no one will say anything.

People will hold doors open for me and I don't have to bother about letting someone else go ahead of me. I mean, since we're all equal and everything... I don't see why women need the extra attention. (same goes for elevators)

When I go on dates the woman's gonna pay for the evening, or at least split the bill. (Women now get the same salary! Raises remember!)

I'm gonna get gifts and flowers every-time I go out on a date. (Even if I don't get these at least don't expect me to buy anything since you can afford your own stuff now.)

Just because a few Men treated Women badly doesn't mean that all Men do.

The tables have turned now and its equality all around.

Deal with being treated as another dude....

( This seriously raises some more questions, can I be crude and crack all sorts of dirty jokes around women now that we are "equal")